
Thursday 5 October 2017

Visual Research

For my trailer, after revisiting my storyboard, I realized that I would need to include something for a visual appeal for my audience, which is something that may reoccur multiple times throughout the trailer as repetition.

This could include something like keys, that are creating an atmosphere of curiosity as the viewer is unaware of what they are used for/what they unlock. In addition to this, the key rings surrounding the key show a lot about the character included in the trailer (if I was to use it) as there are personal key rings in relation to them and their personal beliefs and views. 

Another example of a visual that I could include in my work is Glasses. For glasses this can be signifying simply someones lack of sight, or their disguise or fashion statement, but it is how it is used throughout my trailer, that is how it is going to leave an impact on the audience. 

Lastly the object I chose was a "Caution sign for wet floors." Again by including this sign theoretically it can show that I have thought about the lasting impact that it is going to have on my target audience. This is because it could lead them to have doubts and think further into the sign, such as why is it wet and what substance is it wet with?

For my trailer, I am looking into using the idea of Polaroid images to be one of my items for visual appeal as it is linking back to the character personally, and it will nicely refer back to the idea of having a stalker and that is why the stalker has possession of these photos. I also want to include another visual aspect to the trailer to compensate for dialogue that I will struggle to include on a no budget film trailer. 

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