
Tuesday 24 October 2017



Distribution is the way is the period of time that happens between the production and the overall release and exhibition of the film itself. It is what is considered the promotion of the product. Mass Market companies will distribute films out to their target audience as they already have a maintained reputation meaning that people will feel more encouraged to watch due that company being involved in the distribution of the product.

Distribution Vertically is under the control of one singular company (a conglomerate) and they are controlling the whole process - Production, Distribution, Exhibitions.Horizontal Integration is primarily where the process is a collaborative one, so one specific company isn't having full control over a certain stage of production or distribution the rights are shared.

Within the UK, the mass distributors are going to be who you would be in competition with if you are going to aim to get to the top within the industry for the UK. Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox and Sony are examples of dominating distributors. However there are different types of distribution that occur: Local Distribution is limited to where your product is going to go, and evidently from the name is going to be local to where you are based. This is for lower budget producers and smaller companies that cannot afford the promotion to have their products go further. The local distribution could mean that they are released on DVD and possibly in local cinemas and online. 

Within distribution the company are going to have aims that they want to achieve and it is likely to be the amount of money that they want to receive in box office in the first weekend and then revenue overall. However this is going to depend on the media coverage and distribution factors as to how far it is going to be seen by people. The best times to release films are depending in the genre typically, but they are Fridays and weekends because this is the typical times where people will want to go out after school or after work, so by releasing your film now it provides convenience to these people. Seasons are also what can draw people in. If it is romance genre, it makes sense to have it released around valentines day so that people can go watch it as a date, either single or in their relationship. It is the same concept for Horror being released around Halloween and Christmas films being released at Christmas. Additionally some companies opt to having their films released around the time of the Oscars, or typically at film festivals so that it gets a vast amount of media coverage.

The advertising that companies do are categorized into either "Above the line" advertising or "Below the line." Above is considered to be the funded elements which are the trailers, Billboards and product promotions that link to your product. Such as Bridget Jones having competitions running whilst the film was in cinemas, to get a promotion for Muller, but also their film. Below is considered to be interviews with magazines and newspapers because they will be meeting with these people to gain positive reviews about the film and to ensure that the film is understood and that no bad press is coming out about the film that could put people off watching the film. 

The advertising aspect consists of: Posters, Advertisements on Social medias, Billboards ect.. There is also the trailer release on TV and Online or in cinemas or at the start of DVDs. Can also be at film premiers like previously stated, reward ceremonies and preview screenings. 

Digital distribution is where the product is released digitally. It is a safer method that avoids the idea of the product being damaged as it is sent electronically, it is a cheaper method and the only downside is piracy as people are able to leak the footage online easier instead of paying into services such as Netflix or Now TV to provide them with the footage.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Character Profile

The ways in which I am going to present my characters likes and overall personality is through Mise en Scene choices. His costume choices is going to represent the genre of music that he enjoys which is varied, but primarily the rock genre, which means he is likely to be wearing ripped clothing and shirts, alongside his already existing piercings. As it states that he likes animals, he is accompanied by his dog throughout the majority of the trailer and will show affection to the dog to present that he evidently likes his animals. The way in which I am going to display that my character is in a relationship is by having some of the photos that have been taken presumably by the stalker of my character either holding hands with his girlfriend displayed in the dark room, owned by the stalker. 

Thursday 5 October 2017

Visual Research

For my trailer, after revisiting my storyboard, I realized that I would need to include something for a visual appeal for my audience, which is something that may reoccur multiple times throughout the trailer as repetition.

This could include something like keys, that are creating an atmosphere of curiosity as the viewer is unaware of what they are used for/what they unlock. In addition to this, the key rings surrounding the key show a lot about the character included in the trailer (if I was to use it) as there are personal key rings in relation to them and their personal beliefs and views. 

Another example of a visual that I could include in my work is Glasses. For glasses this can be signifying simply someones lack of sight, or their disguise or fashion statement, but it is how it is used throughout my trailer, that is how it is going to leave an impact on the audience. 

Lastly the object I chose was a "Caution sign for wet floors." Again by including this sign theoretically it can show that I have thought about the lasting impact that it is going to have on my target audience. This is because it could lead them to have doubts and think further into the sign, such as why is it wet and what substance is it wet with?

For my trailer, I am looking into using the idea of Polaroid images to be one of my items for visual appeal as it is linking back to the character personally, and it will nicely refer back to the idea of having a stalker and that is why the stalker has possession of these photos. I also want to include another visual aspect to the trailer to compensate for dialogue that I will struggle to include on a no budget film trailer. 

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Storyboard: First 30 Seconds Feedback

Feedback on my storyboard:

"This is really good. I like how you've explained every single shot. I also like the range of camera shots. To improve you could use more character dialogue." Julia, 17

"Detailed and included good: sound, camera and shot descriptions. To Improve you need more settings." Shannon, 17

"Good use of imagery to convey ideas to the audience. Detailed use of the four main categories expected in a trailers content." Summer, 17

"This is amazing. It gives the trailer a lot of variety and detail." Jack, 17

"Includes a large amount of detail. Really good. Could be improved with more dialogue from the characters." Jake, 18

"Good use of detail and shot types. To improve add a range of locations." Niamh, 17

"This is good - I think it flows well. It also includes varied shot types." Charlotte, 17

"Well displayed. Good use of images to exhibit a story. To improve add in more characters." Fil, 17

From this feedback, it is evident to see that I will need to consider adding in an additional character to make my story line more interesting as currently it is limited to just Jake. So I am looking at another person who will interact with Jake that could add emphasis to his story line personally, whether that be a family member or a friend of his, and by using a real family member or friend I am getting a true representation of how he will treat this person, which can be displayed on camera. Additionally I will also need to consider what dialogue is being included as well as sounds, as currently it isn't as detailed as I'd like it to be on my storyboard. 

Storyboard: First 30 Seconds