
Saturday 9 September 2017

Psychological Horror Trailer Analysis: Ratter

In the trailer, Ratter, it uses the idea of Levi Strauss’ theory in which you have to have the bad to appreciate the good. Within this psychological horror, it features the main character settling into her new life, experiencing a new relationship, whilst behind closed doors she is being stalked. From this it is evidently presenting the good alongside the bad, proving this trailer conforms to Levi’s idea. It creates an intense atmosphere for the audience, which is encouraging them to watch to find out the outcome and find out who her stalker is, or more evidently why.

The trailer can attract a wide ranged audience as it features Ashley Benson, an actress who stars in a well-known Netflix series – Pretty, Little Liars. With the theory of Dyer’s, it shows that more people will be influenced to watch this film, and research further as they may be a big fan of Ashley, or the show itself, which furthermore means that the trailer is going to gain more coverage and acknowledgement. In contrast to this, if they had chosen an alternative actor/actress because of this the film itself may not have been as successful as there wouldn’t be as much appeal to the younger generation with the idea of psychological horror. Not only relying on Dyer’s star theory, but the genre itself is going to be brought to a vast amount of people’s attentions as the genre is becoming more and more popular, as a variety of famous directors have invested their time into producing psychological horrors.

The content of the trailer exploits the idea of that there is a large paranoia linked to the advancements of technologies in the modern, advancing world. This can be an unsettling idea for the target audience to be in relation to. Referring to the repetitive videos that are at the end of the trailer of Emma, they are montaged together, making it an eye opener to the fact that as of yet they have not achieved a new equilibrium, as the stalking of Emma has not yet been resolved. It is presented to the audience that the trailer does not yet completely to Todorov’s theory as it does not yet have three stages. However, this could also be an additional draw to encourage viewers to watch, as they will want to find out the result for Emma.

In the film trailer, the psychological horror is not following the key codes and conventions. It is primarily filmed using POV filming. By filming in this manner, you can gain a more personal connection with the main character herself, whilst also gaining an insight into her life. In addition to this, the POV creates a connection as well as making the audience feel more involved and valued throughout the trailer and film itself. Then following on from this, you are then able to develop feelings of sympathy for her when the disequilibrium occurs, so you are also feeling the whole experience as it appears first hand, not just being a third-party viewer to the scenario.
Within the trailer, the possibility is written on the screen of: “someone could be listening, watching…” The director is creating the “what if” scenario, meaning that it will encourage the viewers to question what happens next and be apprehensive about it. Adding the text onto the screen shows that the trailer is conforming to the stereotypical features, of having additional information broadcasted, to make you acknowledge more things that you wouldn’t necessarily see in the visuals without a subtle hint. If the trailer was to rely on only the visuals, it wouldn’t be as successful as when adding the text into the trailer is when the apprehension is created and begins to haunt the viewer. In addition to this, there is also towards the end a single shot that states; Coming soon. This is included to create prior hype to the release to try and get as many people as they can get involved with the launch of the film.

There is a large repetitiveness throughout the trailer, as the camera and the actor herself continues to come back to the same location – Her flat. It shows that it is the stereotypical location for a horror to take place, as it usually takes place in the places that you would consider most comfortable and safe to make you doubt it. It will play on your mind and that is usually what the most appealing aspect is for the viewers when they are committing to watch the film, as it gives them a form of escapism.

Overall, the trailer is mainly creating the idea to have a fear of the unknown. Most of the target audience will enjoy watching and experiencing the film, as they can appreciate that they aren't currently being stalked or hacked. Yet they still have a form of relate-ability allowing them to find satisfaction in another person’s misfortune, as it is not their own as previously mentioned it is a form of escapism that people thrive for.  

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