
Friday 23 June 2017

Target Audience

This collage is representing my target audience. My target audience is evidently going to be a British/American Male. Like most teenagers he will be heavily invested into his social medias, and will have large platforms on Snap chat, Twitter and Facebook. He enjoys watching films online through YouTube, Netflix and other online movie websites to be up to date with the latest releases. Because he is evidently going to be a watcher of the horror genre, as that is the chosen genre that I want to produce my magazine front cover, poster and trailer in - The male is going to be a thrill seeker. The reason behind me choosing to have a male is because the horror genre, when rated 16+, does include a large amount of gore and horror that is unlikely to stereo-typically appeal to females, but will appeal to the thrill seeking males as it gives them something additional to the normal lives that they currently lead. Lastly the relationship status of the male viewer is likely to be single, and he can enjoy the horror films with his male friends, as he is unlikely to bring a girlfriend to the cinema to enjoy the same experiences as him as it may not appeal as much to her as it would him.

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