
Friday 14 July 2017

Distribution Questionnaire/Research

Dyer's Star Theory

Dyers Star Theory by Em _

Location Shots

For my location shots, I have tried to find and capture locations that I feel represent the horror genre. The first Image displayed is of a Church in Northampton - St. Matthews. By capturing this church at night I feel as though it links to the horror genre well, as it could symbolise the religion aspect that does feature in a variety of typical horror films and it it now becoming a more modernised aspect of horror films. However, I feel as though it would be unlikely for me to use this church in my media work, as I would struggle gaining permission to do so, as I am not from the area, which factors in heavily as I will need to consider the fact that I am going to have to shoot shots more than once, but I am still going to attempt to gain permission to do this, as I feel that it will give an edgy aspect to my trailer. In the next three images, it features Corby woods. This is easily accessible to me, meaning that I can use this to my advantage and i will be able to become more creative as I won't have to travel far to do so. I would not need to gain permission for this, as the woods are owned by the people of Corby strictly, meaning that I will be free to film in there as long as I do not capture additional people in the background of my shots. As the photos show, it is into the woods slightly which will allow for an easier way of setting the scene as it starts to get darker, so it will therefore involve less editing for me to do when I come round to putting my trailer together. The last image features an abandoned building, St. Edmunds, also located in Northampton. I feel as though it would create a very eerie atmosphere to my work, as it links to the horror genre perfectly being broken and boarded up, and that I would be able to gain a lot of footage from inside that will feature pigeons flying away, and give it a psychological underlying aspect that I want to leave a lasting effect on the audience when they watch my trailer. However, again I also have to consider the factor that this may fall under a health and safety risk as I am unsure of how sturdy/secure the building is in order for me to film on the premises and not only that but I would need to find out who I could contact in order to feature the building in my work.

Monday 10 July 2017

Revisit of Initial Thoughts & Synopsis

From my initial thoughts mind map, I have created a synopsis featuring my ideas. 

Have you ever noticed something out of the corner of your eye? You turn and it disappears? Was it a trick of light or just your imagination? For 18 year old Jake this has been something that has haunted him throughout his life. The feeling that he is constantly being watched, observed and monitored wherever he goes and whatever he does – his life isn’t his own. One fateful day while preparing for his media filming work, location scouting for his horror trailer he discovers that his paranoid feeling is actually someone else’s reality. Jake discovers his life has been observed, watched and sickeningly documented and hung for all to see: his memories, private moments and personal experiences have been observed by someone he doesn’t know. It’s now his mission to discover who is responsible for this: is it just a harmless admirer or is this a sick obsession?